"Do you really love someone, or are you just sexually attracted to them?
Scientists have found a way to tell the difference between the two in the brain.
Researchers from Concordia University, the University of Geneva, West Virginia University and Syracuse University have found that when a person is experiencing love and sexual desire, a part of the brain called the striatum is activated. However, different parts of this brain region are activated by these two emotions.
Specifically, sexual desire activates a part of the brain region typically activated by pleasurable things like food or sex.
Meanwhile, love activates a part of the brain that plays a role in pairing value with these rewarding or pleasurable things."
Scientists have found a way to tell the difference between the two in the brain.
Researchers from Concordia University, the University of Geneva, West Virginia University and Syracuse University have found that when a person is experiencing love and sexual desire, a part of the brain called the striatum is activated. However, different parts of this brain region are activated by these two emotions.
Specifically, sexual desire activates a part of the brain region typically activated by pleasurable things like food or sex.
Meanwhile, love activates a part of the brain that plays a role in pairing value with these rewarding or pleasurable things."
Din - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/21/love-brain-striatum-sexual-desire_n_1613544.html
Dupa cum ziceam, dorinta si dragostea nu vin la pachet. Dragostea are si "TVA" adica implica in plus perceptia unei valori asociate cu acel subiect. Desigur, nu este doar atat, dar bine ca este o parte demonstrabila.