luni, 18 septembrie 2017

Before We Go

Then you're gonna meet somebody
Un film (neasteptat de) frumos. In parte pare o comedie romantica pe stil vechi, fara scene explicite, dar plin de tensiune, si in parte avand sensibiltatea unui film rusesc.    

But, uh... stay with her.
Doi oameni lipsiti de noroc in dragoste se intalnesc din intamplare  intr-o gara si se vor ajuta unul pe celalalt. De ce fara noroc ? Amandoi traisera ceva care paruse autentic si profund. Amandoi erau veriga puternica a relatiei lor, cel care tinea cu adevarat la celalalt. Cand o veriga e puternica si una slaba, primul are de pierdut, pentru ca al doilea il va abandona intr-un fel sau in altul.   

Cel care are initiativa este Nick. Aflat si el la o rascruce a vietii, se hotaraste se ajute neconditionat si pana la capat pe necunoscuta blonda (Alice Eve). Nick este jucat de Chris Evans, care este aici si regizor. Ce legatura poate avea acest film cu Captain America ? Intr-un fel are. Daca in primele filme din serie, Captain America era personajul cel mai puternic (la propriu), in urmatoarele, prin comparatie, forta lui este pusa in umbra de alti "supermani". Cu toate acestea ramane cel mai puternic, prin determinare si forta morala. Cumva in Before We Go avem un Captain America fara nimic supranatural, dar la fel de hotarat sa mearga pana la capat cand e vorba sa-l ajute pe cel de langa el. can't allow the people you love to determine how you love.
Daca esti doar tu veriga puternica vei avea de suferit: esti atasat de sursa de suferinta. Poate insa sa nu fie asa. "Clarvazatorul" ii va explica acest lucru tinerei femei. 
You're at a crossroads, my dear.
You think you know exactly... what your problem is, and you're exactly wrong.

Why is that?
You think you're trapped by what's happening to you.
Actually, you've got choices. You could walk away.
From what? I don't know. But you do.
We can always walk away.
And sometimes you should. You could have a future

Si daca tot vorbeam de lucruri frumoase, mai adaug o parte a acelui dialog.

You know the most important thing I learned, after all my years of marriage?
After an entire life with one person?
What's that?
That you can't allow the people you love to determine how you love.

Thank her for showing you that you can love more than one person in this life.
Ce mi-a amintit de un film rusesc? Scena de dinainte de final, cand isi spun cuvintele de despartire, vorbind in joaca la un telefon public. Cum poti sa fi nostalgic fata in fata? Poti: iti trebuie doar un telefon vechi, cuvinte spuse din suflet si o despartire care va urma in curand .    
It's me again. Listen, I want to give you one more piece of advice.
You're gonna be playing one night... Grand Central... thinking of every reason in the world to not go see the girl that broke your heart.
Then you're gonna meet somebody. And now at first, she's gonna seem... icy.
You're gonna know right away she's trouble. She's gonna take all your money. You're probably gonna get punched in the face.
But, uh... stay with her.
You're gonna need her a lot more than she needs you. And at the end of the night, you're gonna want
to say some things, but don't.
Don't ruin it.
It's nothing she doesn't already know. Just give her a kiss. Wish her good luck.
And, uh... thank her. Thank her for showing you that you can love more than one person in this life.

Pentru cei doi, intalnirea a fost un fel de balsam: au vazut ca ar fi putut avea o viata cu doua verigi puternice si ca exista si alti oameni la care ar putea tine.   
... dar ...
Pentru ei sunt cei pe care te poti baza, se intorc "in lupta" pentru inca o incercare la iubitele lor verigi slabe.