duminică, 1 aprilie 2012

Why do people drink? - QED

"House M.D. Why do people drink?"

Ce spuneam intr-o postare anterioara ("House M.D. Why do people drink") , legata de un episod din House MD 

Dintre cei care beau pentru motivele enuntate mai sus si nu sunt alcoolici, doar pentru un procent mic "Killing pain" este motivul. Si nici cantitatea care o beau nu ofera IN SINE, prin cantitate, "fericirea de sinteza" cautata.
Deci ce are bautura, mai degraba in context si nu direct, care sa aduca fericire?
Bautura are VALOARE si RESPECT! Suna ciudat nu?
Cand isi beau vinisorul sau bauturica oamenii simt ca SE RESPECTA, ca AU GRIJA DE EI INSISI. De ce numai bautura este "impachetata" frumos si "inzorzonat"? De ce numai bautura intra intr-un ritual? Este ritualul "respectului de sine".

Am avut dreptate!

Iata insa ce spune un studiu facut de Pierre-Mendes France University (citat dupa AFP):

In the second phase, 94 men were invited to taste-test a new fruit cocktail on behalf of a research firm that was in fact a bogus company set up for the purposes of the experiment.
They were told that half of the volunteers would be given an alcoholic version of the cocktail and the others would be given a non-alcoholic version. No-one knew which was which.
They were then asked to write and deliver a filmed message that was supposed to be used in advertisements for the new "brand."
Each volunteer was asked to watch his film and rate his own performance for attractiveness, brightness, originality and humour.
But the data showed up a curiosity.
Those who believed they had drunk alcohol gave themselves high self-assessments, regardless of whether they had imbibed any booze or not.
And those who had believed they had not drunk any alcohol gave themselves a low assessment, even when there had been a hefty shot of pure alcohol in their drink.
"Our study shows that the mere fact of believing that you have drunk alcohol makes you feel more attractive," Begue told AFP. "The alcohol dose has no effect in itself."

"Elementar draga Watson!": imediat dupa efectuarea "ritualului" de "respect al sinelui", normal ca acesta creste (respectul de sine creste). 

Homo sapiens sapiens, nu?

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