duminică, 25 decembrie 2011

House M.D. - Quotes (1)

People don't learn. They don't change. But you did.
...You're a freak.

Chase (upset House is dealing with Chase's father): "How would you feel if I interfered in your personal life?"
House: I'd hate it. That's why I cleverly have no personal life."
Sophie : Why would they (the patients) hide something that could be killing them?
House : Because they are morons. They're all morons, and everybody lies.
Gabe : Wait, if everybody lies, then that means you're lying right now.
House : I didn't say everybody always lies… Aristotle!
H: Morning. You guys got the file. What's wrong?
Previous tests revealed nothing that would cause abdominal pain or the mood swings.
H: Then we're done. What do you think? Ball game? Zoo? I don't care. I just want to hang with you guys.
What about drugs? His tox-screen on admission showed a massive amount of chloral hydrate.
H: Yeah. Sorry. That was me. I had to dope him up to get him in here. Guy doesn't think he's sick.
Who does?
H: His wife.
The woman you used to live with.
H: That's her Indian name. On her driver's license it's Stacy. I assume you have a point.
You believe her over the patient himself. That's why we're taking this case.
H: The truth? I hear voices all the time telling me to do stuff. It's crazy, huh?
What happened to "everybody lies"?
H: I was lying.
Cameron: I put a label on them and go from there?
House: Everybody does it. We are who people think we are. […] The reality is irrelevant.
Cameron: You're pleased. You think you've proved every marriage is a mistake.
House: Do I look pleased?
Cameron: Ignorance is bliss.
House: First t… kiss is an eight on the happiness scale. Child being snatched back from the brink of death, that's a ten.
(my note.: first item is overrated above)
House: She have a dog?
Cameron: For less than a week. She had an allergic reaction, so they had to give it away.
House: Allergies. Animal allergies seemed unlikely but it's possible that--when?
Cameron: When what?
House: When did she get rid of the dog?
Cameron: About a month ago. Her girlfriend gave it to her for her birthday.
House: Well, then it's not allergies. She's just leaving her girlfriend.
Cameron: You...spoke to the dog? ( ;)) )
If her birthday was a month ago, she would've still been on steroids for the poison ivy. Those meds would've suppressed any reaction she might've had to the dog.
House: Which means she lied about being allergic. Dog's a commitment. You pretend to be allergic because you don't want to tell your girlfriend that you're not planning on being around that long.
House: Only in your world would that be simple. The delusion that fathering a child installs a permanent geyser of unconditional love...
Wilson: Maybe your father's feelings were conditional, not everyone's.
House: Well, of course, that would play into your romantic vision of human...
Wilson: In terms you would understand, we have an evolutionary incentive to sacrifice for our offspring. Our tribe, our friends. Keep them safe.
House: Except for all the people who don't. Everything is conditional. You just can't always anticipate the conditions.
Policeman: House has hurt plenty of people. You included.
Wilson: He saves lives. People that no one else can save. And, no matter how much of an ass he is, statistically, House is a positive force in the universe.
Judge: Dr. House, hang up!
Cameron (remote): “The cytology on the LP doesn't suggest a tumor.”
Judge: Now!
House (to Cameron): Hang on a second.
House (to Judge): Does your voice always get that high and annoying when you're angry?
Judge (to Policeman): I'm also certain that, knowing Dr. House, he must have done something to set you off. But you're gonna have to live with it.
House: Foreman resigned.
Wilson: I'm sorry.
House: It's okay. No biggie.
Wilson: Right. He give a reason?
House: He said he didn't want to end up like me. I had a brilliant retort. I can't remember what it was at the moment.
Wilson: YOU don't want to end up like you.
House: Good point. Can I resign?
House(to Foreman):
Every one of those idiots got some insight about themselves from the pig salesman, but not one of them did anything about it. People don't learn. They don't change. But you did.
You're a freak.
House: I have a new theory. Their bad ideas don't indicate a lack of intelligence. It indicates an open mind, the willingness not to be trapped by conventional.
Wilson: You've got a problem.
House: Tell me something I don't know.
Wilson: You hire beautiful girls, enslave them, and force them to be around you, because you don't know how to have an actual relationship. If they're qualified, keep them. If not, fire them and ask them out. 
House: Dr. Terzi (…pretty woman,bad doctor...), would you please stand up?
I have treated you unfairly. Prejudged you. And for me to be a better person, I have to rectify that situation. You’re fired.
You wanna... Grab some dinner? Maybe a movie?

(Va urma)

sâmbătă, 24 decembrie 2011

Battlestar Galactica - Credinta celui care nu crede

The truth is we are all perfect. Just as we are...(?)

Initial m-a suparat putin povestea din film, legata de personajul Gaius Baltar si religie. Parea sa fie o reprezentare mai cinica a unui profet cvasi-crestin. Pana la urma, formal, povestea lui Baltar semana mai mult cu cea a diverselor secte si aceasta nu intamplator. Cheia discursului sau este in randurile de mai jos.

Dr. Gaius Baltar: Something in the universe loves me. Something in the universe loves the entity that is me. I will choose to call this something, "God." A singular spark that dwells in the soul of every living being. If you look inside yourself, you will find this spark too. You will. But you have to look deep. Love your faults. Embrace them. If God embraces them, then how can they be faults? Love yourself. You have to love yourself. If we don't love ourselves, how can we love others? And when we know what we are, then we can find the truth about others, see what they are, the truth about them. And you know what the truth is, the truth about them, about you, about me. Do you? The truth is we are all perfect. Just as we are. God only loves that which is perfect, and he loves you. He loves you because you are perfect. You are perfect just as you are.

Love your faults. Embrace them. If god embraces them, then how can they be faults?
Love yourself. If we don't love ourselves, how can we love others?

Religia atee
Cu sute si mii de ani inaintea "noului Darwin", Richard Dawkins, cateva din religiile fundamentale au "descoperit" ca evolutia inseamna in mod fundamental "lupta" dintre egoism si altruism. Si, luand ca exemplu crestinismul, acesta face pe langa aceasta descoperire si o alegere, altruismul si o propune drept model. Pentru ca asta trebuie sa faca "palierul religios" al constiintei, indiferent daca suntem credinciosi sau atei: sa ne dam un raspuns la problemele cele mai greu de inteles si sa ne propunem un model - pentru noi insine si pentru oameni in general. In plus, inevitabil, omul isi construieste si un scenariu pentru a aplica acel model. In unele cazuri, impunerea prin forta a unor modele religioase sau ne-religioase a dus la mari grozavii.
Ce ne spune Baltar? Chipurile propune o religie, dar religia lui este cvasi-atee, nu propune nici un model: "love your faults", "You are perfect just as you are". Pentru acest motiv si nu pentru altul, o mare parte din cei care se cred atei sunt asa tocmai pentru ca au imbratisat aceeasta "religie atee":  "noi nu credem in nici o religie si,mai ales, NU CREDEM CA EXISTA NICI UN MODEL". Intradevar, perfectiunea universului suntem noi, noi care avem drept model sa zicem pe George...George Costantza , personajul din "Seinfeld".

Adevarata alegere
Pana la urma, nu conteaza ceea ce ne declaram si ceea ne credem, ci ceea ce suntem sau putem fi. Avem de facut o alegere, indiferent daca ne declaram religiosi sau atei: avem un model spre care vrem sa tindem ? Pentru noi si copiii nostri? Ne puteam situa undeva pe scara intre ascetism si experimentare deplina, putem da libera trecere oricarei tendinte egoiste sau dimpotriva.
Pana la urma nu conteaza cum ne declaram, conteaza ceea ce reusim sa facem. Daca facem rau cu religiozitatea noastra avem o problema, daca facem rau cu ateismul nostru, iar avem o problema.
Intrebare: cum isi pot sincroniza oamenii tendinta spre propria imbunataire fara sa cada in dogmatism?

vineri, 23 decembrie 2011

Casualties of war - Naked man

...maybe it matters more than we even know
(Film despre razboiul din Vietnam; regia Brian De Palma; cu Michael Fox)

Eriksson: This goddamn thing's turnin' us on our heads, man! I mean, Just because any of us at any second might be blown away, everybody's acting like we can do anything, man! And it don't matter what we do! But I'm thinkin' maybe it's the other way around. You know, maybe the main thing is just the opposite. Because we might be dead in the next split second, we gotta be extra careful what we do. Jesus, man, maybe it matters more than we even know.

Tot filmul este interesant, dar ar fi fost indeajuns aceasta replica...
Razboiul...Sau orice alt context care pune omul in situatii limita, il poate face "inapoi" animal, sa lepede toata pojghita de civilizatie. Aici, in film, se duce ideea mai departe: daca supravietuirea ii este pusa in balanta in orice moment, omul-animal are atunci "dreptul" sa faca orice. Dar, daca totusi ar invinge in el umanitatea, aceaste posibile ultime clipe ar conta cel mai mult, L-AR DEFINI ca om!
Din pacate, in anumite situatii limita, omul , neschimbat genetic aproape deloc zeci de mii de ani, va actiona ca ceea ce este in fapt: un animal speriat, o fiara ranita care sfasie si distruge orice. Putini pot trece peste asta, gasind in interior echilibrul ce a disparut din contextul extern. 
Mutand putin punctul de vedere, spre efemeritatea intregii vieti sau a ceee ce a mai ramas din ea, ne putem pune aceleasi intrebari: daca avem putin timp, sau si mai putin timp, atunci nu conteaza, sau conteaza si mai mult ceea ce facem?

sâmbătă, 3 decembrie 2011

Battlestar Galactica - Who was valuable and who wasn't

Military needs are a priority
 Plot: Doua nave de razboi au scapat de atacul cylonilor: Battlestar Galactica si Battlestar Pegasus. Galactica era o nava veche, uzata moral, mult sub forta celeilalte, Pegasus. Cu toate acestea, comandantul Adama si-a asumat raspunderea pentru apararea mai multor nave civile cu cinzeci de mii de oameni la bordul lor. Pegasus, condus de comandatul Cain a avut o alta poveste... La intalnirea cu Galactica , Pegasus nu era insotita de nici o alta nava. Si totusi Pegasus avusese o flota civila in preajma ei...

Colonel Jack Fisk : Laird's ship was the Scylla. Scylla was, uh... civilian transport.
We found her and a few other civvies about a week after the attack. They were good ships. FTL drives and weapons even. A lot of potential spare parts that we could use on Pegasus. So... the Admiral made a decision. Military needs are a priority.
Colonel Saul Tigh:  You stripped them. You stripped the ships for parts? Sweet mother of Artemis! How much equipment did you take? You take their jump drives?  Left all those people marooned out there?
Colonel Jack Fisk: No, not all. Admiral Cain looked over the passenger list and she made a decision about who was valuable and who wasn't. Scylla was the toughest. Laird and 15 other men and women, they were all all traveling with their families. Wives, husbands, children. The selectees... they refused to go. There was resistance. So the order came down to shoot the family of anyone who refused to come. So we did. Two families, we put them up against the bulkhead. And we shot them.

Povestea spusa de Josephus

Dupa cum spuneam intr-o postare anterioara, razboiul din anul 74 era noastra, a avut spre deosebire de altele un cronicar, martor ocular si participant, Flavius Josephus. Desigur, acesta poate fi considerat subiectiv sau partinitor. Totusi, anumite lucruri se potrivesc foarte bine (vezi si postarea mentionata despre filmul "Defiance") cu multe alte intamplari adevarate. Se poate duce un razboi in numele unor cauze zise drepte, de exemplu pentru viata si drepturile civililor dintr-un loc anume. Si atunci cat si pana unde poti sacrifica acesti civili? In razboiul anului 74 anumiti combatantii, aparatori ai unor cetati, au uitat orice cand a fost vorba de foame: au profitat de faptul ca aveau arme in mainile lor si au lasat fara mancare pe civilii fara aparare: copii, femei, batrani.
Comandatul navei Pegasus, amiralul Cain, a pus inainte nevoile militare, sacrificand insa ultimii supravietuitori civili. Care mai era atunci sensul luptei militarilor?

Battlestar Galactica - Attack in five graphs

This briefing will outline a plan of attack in five graphs.
 Battlestar Galactica – Crashdown
Plot: O echipa ad-hoc de 5 oameni, dintre care numai 2 cu experienta militara este condusa de cel mai mare in grad dintre ei, un tanar locotenent. Acesta isi asuma, impreuna cu aceasta echipa, executarea unei dificile operatii militare impotriva unui inamic superior.  Handicapul numeric si al pregatirii este accentuat de lipsa sa de experienta reala ca ofiter pe teren.
Lt. Crashdown: This briefing will outline a plan of attack in five graphs. Graph 1: Situation. Our situation is that we are stranded on Kobol with a group of five Cylons...who are planning to use an AAU to destroy any SAR aircraft sent to find us.There are no other friendly forces present. Graph 2: Mission….
Baltar: What's all this "graph" business?
Chief Tyrol: It's a five paragraph order. ...to destroy the AAU.... It's a Basic command tool. It's taught at officer candidate school.  IT'S JUST NOT USUALLY USED THIS LITERALLY IN THE FIELD.
Lt. Crashdown: Graph 4: Execution. We will assault the Cylon launch site ….
Ce face tanarul locotenent: executa pas cu pas, ad-litteram, o procedura militara in forma sa didactica, invatata la scoala militara. Daca nu as fi vazut de multe ori in meseria mea acest lucru, as fi trecut fara sa observ aceasta secventa.  Ce inseamna de obicei "profesionalismul"? Sa luam definitia ingineriei a organizatiei profesionale ECPD. Similar poate fi si pentru alte meserii.
"the creative application of scientific principles to design or develop structures, machines, apparatus, or manufacturing processes, or works utilizing them singly or in combination; or to construct or operate the same with full cognizance of their design; or to forecast their behavior under specific operating conditions; all as respects an intended function, economics of operation and safety to life and property."
Avem deci "aplicarea creativa" a "principiilor stiintifice". De multe ori, gasim asa zisi profesionisti care "schioapata" bine in unul dintre cele doua aspecte: ori nu stiu principiile care fundamenteaza meseria lor, ori le stiu si nu sunt in stare sa le adapteze, combine si foloseasca in practica. Daca mai putem si partea cu "intended function, economics of operation and safety to life and property", raman si mai putini care isi fac meseria cum ar trebui.
Ceea ce este foarte rau pana la urma este ca acesti pseudo-profesionisti, precum locotenentul Crashdown din acest episod BSG, isi asuma constient sau nu sarcini care in realitate ii depasesc, fara sa ceara sau sa accepte ajutor sau suport. Impostura este o caracteristica umana destul de raspandita...