joi, 29 martie 2018

Secretul lui Steven Spielberg (2) ... confirmat

“There is a sixty-five-foot boulder, that’s form-fitted to only roll down the corridor, coming right at him. And it’s a race. He gets to outrun the boulder!”

Spuneam prin 2010 despre seria India Jones: reprezinta  al doilea esential al lui Spielberg:

<<Filmele Indiana Jones, cu mult inaintea altora si mai mult in decat toate celelalte prezinta urmatoare particularitate... Orice film de aventura are anumite scene de suspans in care personajele principale sunt in pericol direct, iminent in actiuni"pe viata si pe moarte". [...]
In Indiana Jones, cu mici exceptii, avem o succesiune neintrerupta de astfel de scene. Nu sunt construite cu mare grija, dar nu conteaza... abia isi trage sufletul spectatorul dupa o "evadare", va urma o lupta, apoi alta...
Avem aici aproape un maraton (ne amintim ca dureaza doua ore si ceva la nivel inalt) facut cu viteza curselor de 100 de metri ... Nici un moment de ragaz pentru spectator... Adrenalina in doze mari fara intrerupere...>> (vezi  Secretul lui Steven Spielberg (2) )

Cativa ani mai tarziu - 2013 - a aparut si am citit acest articol: Spitballing Indy (New Yorker, March 25, 2013- Patrick Radden Keefe). Se pare ca exact  aceasta a fost ideea de start a creatorilor: Spielberg si Lucas.

<<Lucas walked into the meeting with an outline of the story, but he wanted to flesh it out with his writer and director. In the transcript, he begins by articulating a recipe for the contemporary blockbuster: the picture will consist of one big set piece after another.

“And each cliffhanger is better than the one before,” Spielberg adds, warming to the idea. “What we’re doing here, really, is designing a ride at Disneyland.”

Lucas: It has to be unique. It’s a character. Very Americana. Square. He was born in Indiana.
Kasdan: What does she call him, Indy?
Lucas: That’s what I was thinking. Or Jones.

Mai departe va recomand sa cititi articolul din New Yorker: cum s-a conturat Indiana Jones (+ numele ) intr-o discutie dintre cei doi regizori. 

“A bullwhip.” He’ll carry it “rolled up,” Lucas continues. “Like a snake that’s coiled up behind him.”“I like that,” Spielberg says. “The doctor with the bullwhip.”

miercuri, 7 martie 2018

Un om fericit ... House

Credeti sau nu, aceasta distractie a lui House e pur ... intelectuala. Adica... e de "sinteza", si fara substante, doar nascocita.

Dr. James Wilson: [after House jumps from his hotel room into the pool] What the Hell are you doing?

Dr. Gregory House: What do you do when you win?
Crowd: Party!
Dr. Gregory House: What do you do when you lose?