joi, 12 august 2010

Glorioasa exceptie

Inglourious movie

Inglourious basterds este in opinia mea un film caraghios si sarjat ... Nici daca faci un film SF, nici daca faci o comedie , nu poti sa-ti bati joc de detalii, de scenariu, de ideile pe care le manevrezi. Cateva exemple: coincidente precum in cele mai siropoase telenovele - intalnirea care continua in localul plin de ofiteri ; ofiterul din apropierea fuhrerului indragostit de cea care voia sa-l omoare pe acesta - , scapari de scenariu (teatrul plin cu tot comandantii nazisti in care toti complotistii umbla pe holuri goale ca la ei acasa) etc. etc. etc. Hitler este prezentat sub o maniera schematica, nici o legatura cu personajul real, pentru ca realitatea a fost mult mai crunta... nu radea ca un idiot, ci trimitea , foarte serios, oamenii sa moara...


Avem insa o exceptie: un film in film, un scenariu in scenariu. Christoph Waltz in rolul Col. Hans Landa. Tot personajul, atat jocul cat si portiunea din scenariu care ii este dedicata sunt stralucite. Oscarul (rol secundar masculin) , Globul de Aur, premiu la Cannes si alte premii au venit in mod natural pentru aceasta performanta.
Iata o secventa cea mai interesanta , in care personajul negativ aproape perfect, crudul, dar oportunistul colonel isi negociaza trecerea sa glorioasa in tabara binelui... cu nonsalanta pe care o au politicienii oricarui timp.

Get me somebody on the other end of that radio with the power of the pen to authorize my - let’s call it, the terms of my conditional surrender, if that tastes better going down.
. . . So, when the military history of this night is written, it will be recorded that I was part of Operation Kino from the very beginning, as a double agent. Anything I’ve done in my guise as an S.S. colonel was sanctioned by the O.S.S., as a necessary evil to establish my cover with the Germans. And it was my placement of Lieutenant Raine’s dynamite in Hitler and Goebbels’s opera box that assured their demise. By the way, that last part is actually true.
I want my full military pension and benefits under my proper rank. I want to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor for my invaluable assistance in the toppling of the Third Reich.
In fact, I want all the members of “Operation Kino” to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor. Full citizenship for myself—but that goes without saying. And I would like the United States of America to purchase property for me on Nantucket island, as a reward for all the countless lives I’ve saved by bringing the tyranny of the National Socialist Party to a swifter than imagined end. Do you have all that, sir?
I look forward to seeing you face to face as well, sir.

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