duminică, 27 noiembrie 2011

The politics of Saturday night.

I used to believe in all these wars. I had a theory once....
 Air America. O comedie bunicica care atinge cateva din problemele raboiului din Vietnam (minciunile politicienilor despre interventia limitata, coruptia si pacatele aliatilor, etc).  Ceea ce mi-a atras atentia este o discutie intre cei doi piloti Gene (Mel Gibson) si Billy (Robert Downey Jr.). Aplicand o logica simpla si domestica, toata retorica razboiului rece este redusa la zero.
Si in Vest si in Est, in timpul saptamanii oamenii sunt la munca si nu au timp de distractie. Asa ca...

Billy: What the fuck are you doing here? Do you believe in this war?
Gene: I used to believe in all these wars. I had a theory once. The politics of Saturday night.
Billy: and?
Gene:  I rated all countries on how good their Saturday nights were. I knew that Moscow and Peking were a stone drag on that time of the week.  So I was flying for a cause.  To defend barbecues and weenie roasts and Ray Charles songs and Southern Comfort 'till you pass out.
Billy: The politics of Saturday night. I can relate to that theory.
Gene: Not bad is it? But not particularly true, that’s all. I hear they party hard in Moscow.
Billy:  Don't give up a good theory just because it's not true.

Deci...mult zgomot..., se pare ca pentru nimic.

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