But I do know I don't want to be here. |
Ce il face pe House unic? Sunt doua dimensiuni. Prima: singura regula seste alvarea vietii pacientului, fie si prin mijloace ne-ortodoxe. A doua: este un individ de geniu. Mai poate exista si alt House? Cei din echipa lui, cei care au rezistat, se simt "schimbati": au inceput sa se aiba si ei "stilul House". Ramane diferenta de capacitate nativa, net in favoarea lui House.
Si ce? Nu mai pot exista si alte genii? Sa zicem ca da... Asta e motivul pentru care apare Masters, o studenta "ciudata" pentru simplul fapt ca este geniala. Ciudatenia ei nu face decat sa o asemene cu House.
(Masters) Friend: He's okay with your peculiar fashion sense.
Masters: It's peculiar?
Friend: House doesn't think you're weird, which is weird, but good weird.
Masters: It's peculiar?
Friend: House doesn't think you're weird, which is weird, but good weird.
Pentru el, Masters poate fi partenerul ideal, daca... Daca ii acepta metodele. De ce? Pentru ca sunt singurele care merg, singurele care fac diferenta dintre viata si moarte. Pentru ai demonstra asta, o lasa singura sa rezolve, cu propria ei constiinta, un caz de viata si de moarte. Ea singura alege sa minta si sa incalce regulile pentru a salva pacienta.
Masters: I broke the rules because I believed I was right.
House: You were right.
Masters: Then why don't I feel good or satisfied? Instead, I just feel like throwing up.
House: And you're following me to ask how I break the rules and maintain my rosy demeanor.
Masters: I didn't do it to be happy. I just thought I would be.
House: You can't always get what you want.
House: You were right.
Masters: Then why don't I feel good or satisfied? Instead, I just feel like throwing up.
House: And you're following me to ask how I break the rules and maintain my rosy demeanor.
Masters: I didn't do it to be happy. I just thought I would be.
House: You can't always get what you want.
You can't always get what you want. |
In final, Masters, este capabila, tehnic vorbind, sa faca tot ceea ce face House. Poate, dar nu este in stare! Intelege pana la urma ca el are dreptate, dar ea nu poate face la fel. E ca si povara purtata de mitologicul Atlas, trebuie sa poti suporta si povara, dar si durerea. There is only one House!
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