marți, 1 noiembrie 2011

House M.D. - There is only one...Sherlock

"There is only one truth"

Detectivul de buzunar
Dupa cum spuneam, creatorul lui House si scenaristul principal, David Shore, este un mare admirator al personajului clasic Sherlock Holmes. House "mosteneste" trasaturile lui Holmes si chiar si pe Dr. Watson, acum Wilson.
Pentru sterge si mai mult diferenta inerenta, data de context, intre cele doua personaje, este inventata o ... extensie a lui House: detectivul Lucas. Una din gaselnitele de scenariu si regie este de exemplu staruinta imaginii pe ... ciorapii scotieni ai detectivului. 
Lucas este atunci adevaratul Holmes?

There is only one...
Intr-o discutie dintre cei doi ne vom lamuri cine este adevaratul Sherlock...

Det. Lucas: You like driving people away from you.
House: He deserved to know the truth. You do know that stuff exists even when you can't see it, right?
Det. Lucas: It was a truth that mattered to him and a truth that mattered to her. Why did it matter to you?
House: First of all, stop saying "a" truth. THERE IS ONLY ONE TRUTH.
Det. Lucas: That may be true for you.
House: Miserable people save more lives. If your life has meaning, your job doesn't have to have meaning. Screw-ups are more palatable if you have someone's arms to go cry in.
Det. Lucas: Yeah, that makes sense.
House: Usually I have more of a fight on that one.

Clasica replica a lui Holmes "There is only one truth" ii vine perfect lui House. Detectivul Lucas este doar o extensie, o jucarie a lui House, care ii permite sa intre si mai mult in pielea originalului Sherlock.
Dupa gustul meu, acest serial este cea mai buna "ecranizare", iar Hugh Laurie-House este cel mai bun Sherlock pe care am avut ocazia sa-l vad.

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